Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is an ancient tradition of spiritual care that helps cultivate a deeper awareness of God’s presence, movements, and communication in our lives.

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A spiritual direction session is prayer-shaped and directed by scripture.

Spiritual direction may:

  • Increase your attunement to God in your life

  • Offer an environment for ongoing prayer

  • Offer spiritually sensitive questions for reflection

  • Include times of silent prayer

  • Welcome authentice emotions and responses

  • Teach you contemplative practices

A spiritual direction session can look and feel a little like a therapy session. Here are some important differences:


Meets weekly or biweekly

Focuses on overcoming problems and improving ability to function in life

Helps heal emotional and psychological wounds and equips for future hardships

Spiritual Direction

Meets monthly

Focuses on exploring God’s presences, movements, and communication

Helps cultivate personal awareness and connection with God

Are you ready for spiritual growth?

It all starts with a meet and greet call, which is also the perfect time to talk about any questions you might have. Then, we’ll prayerfully discern about how to move forward.

I am a spiritual director in training and under supervision with Sustainable Faith.

I am accepting a limited number of new directees at no cost while completing her training.