About Danielle

I knew from a young age I would be a helper.

Fast forward to my first job after college, I got to see a counselor at work and the impact they made. That same year I signed up for my own therapy and started to experience personal transformation. My interest was piqued about becoming a professional counselor, but also about how to help people access a range of wellness resources.

You guessed the rest. I pursued a clinical counseling degree, became a registered yoga teacher, began studying spiritual direction, and started faciliting groups and retreats. I’m definitely inspired to offer what has be transformational in my own wellness journey.

People who work with me describe me as calm, relatable, welcoming, and intentional. I strive to embody these and other caring and inclusive qualities in my work.

A little more about me - I’m married with one daughter (9). We all love spending time outdoors. I also love a good book, puzzle, and movie. After my own experience with anxiety, I stopped drinking coffee and am now a green tea drinker (though, I’ll still do decaf coffee every once in a while). I’ve been at my current church for 20 years(!) and served in a number of volunteer leadership capacities over the years, most recently as women’s ministry coordinator.